Laser Therapy
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a form of alternative medicine that applies low-level (low-power) lasersor light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to the surface or orifices of the body. Whereas high-power lasers are used in laser medicine to cut or destroy tissue, low-power lasers are claimed to relieve pain or to stimulate and enhance cell function.
The effects of LLLT appear to be limited to a specified set of wavelengths of laser, and administering LLLT below the dose range does not appear to be effective.
Laser therapy may be used to:
- shrink or destroy tumors, polyps, or precancerous growths
- relieve symptoms of cancer
- remove kidney stones
- remove part of the prostate
- repair a detached retina
- improve vision
- treat hair loss resulting from alopecia or aging
- treat pain, including back nerve pain
Lasers can have a cauterizing, or sealing, effect and may be used to seal:
- nerve endings to reduce pain after surgery
- blood vessels to help prevent blood loss
- lymph vessels to reduce swelling and limit the spread of tumor cells
- Lasers may be useful in treating the very early stages of some cancers, including:
- cervical cancer
- penile cancer
- vaginal cancer
- vulvar cancer
- non-small cell lung cancer
- basal cell skin cancer
For cancer, laser therapy is usually used alongside other treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.
Laser therapy is also used cosmetically to:
- remove warts, moles, birthmarks, and sun spots
- remove hair
- lessen the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, or scars
- remove tattoos
Laser therapy is one the top best modern technic for our patients.